WoW Argent Hippogryph

Argent Crusade Faction Mounts (Horde)

WoW Argent Warhorse

Argent Champion of the Alliance/Horde + Mounts + Title

Argent Crusade Faction Mounts (Alliance)

Delivery: days

Argent Crusade Faction Mounts (Alliance)

These mounts are obtained in Argent Tournament. You need to have a Alliance character to obtain and use those items but they will count towards your total Collections number, regardless of your faction (you can own versions from both factions at the same time).
After purchasing this product, you will have an ability to get a discount and 8 days faster delivery for any Power Leveling Argent Tournament product.
These mounts convert to their counterpart for the opposite faction so you will get both versions (your total Collections number will increase by one per mount).

Extra rewards:
- Pet: [Argent Squire]
- Access to Argent Tournament faction Quartermasters items: various transmog and misc items
- Various Argent Tournament achievements

- Character level 50+
- Faction cities Exalted: Stormwind, Darnassus, The Exodar, Gnomeregan Exiles and Ironforge
NOTE: You don't need to be Exalted with your own faction city
More Information
Product Type Account Share
Added in WOTLK
Source Quest & Daily
Mount Type Flying Mounts, Ground Mounts