Diablo 2 Ama Bowazon (Ice) icon

Bowazon (Ice)

Diablo 2 Ama Bowazon (Mavina) aura

Bowazon (Mavina)

Bowazon (BOTD)

Full gear for Amazon: 11 items with FRW/Block switch.
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Bow Ama BOTD Hydra equipment without character (account), merc, jewels or charms. You can quickly purchase them by checking recommendations below the description.
We recommend Bow skillers for this build.

Titans + Stormshield switch is used for extra mobility from 30% FRW that Titans provide and tankiness that Storm provides: block, damaged reduction, resistances. You are not going to use any javelin throw skill, it's just for running through groups of monsters and general movement when you are not fighting.
It is better than CTA switch because Bowazon has very few +all skills, so Battle Orders (BO) level will be quite low and have a short duration. Ama has a high dodge chance from talents, which makes her tanky enough without extra Life from Call to Arms. Some players also use glass cannon build with no life and no resistances but it requires skilled playstyle to avoid all the damage.
You may request different items, as long as they are priced similarly.

Equippable at 42-73 level.
Equipment stats depend on chosen quality, Bronze items are listed below:
ARMOR: Forti Dusk/Archon
SWITCH: Titans + Stormshield
AMULET: Cat's Eye
RING 1: Raven
RING 2: Raven
HELM: Giant Skull 2 soc
BELT: Nosferatu
GLOVES: Laying of Hands (LOH)
BOOTS: War Traveler (WT)

Diablo 2 Poison Nova Icon Breath of the Dying (BOTD) grants 50% chance to cast level 20 Poison Nova when you kill an enemy (Necro skill usable by any class). It deals 427-468 AOE poison damage over 2 seconds.
Diablo 2 Chilling Armor Icon Fortitude grants 20% chance to cast level 15 Chilling Armor when struck (Sorc buff usable by any class). It lasts for 4 minutes, gives 115% bonus defense and launches Ice Bolts towards ranged attackers for 28-38 damage. It will have 100% uptime vs monsters.
You can learn more about game mechanics behind those abilities in our game guide.
More Information
Product Type Trade (Gear)
Quality Mixed
Level Required 69
Type N/A
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