Diablo 3 Goblin Farming Monk Gear

Goblin Dash (Speed Farm)

Diablo 3 Greater Rift Solo Record icon

Solo GR Record

Gear Boost

Full legendary gear capable of clearing high GR with ease.
Delivery: hours

Can't find build you need? Here you can customize every gear slot and purchase any equipment you want!
This boost will give you a full legendary ready-to-play gear and it's the best value package in our offer. In just a few hours we will gear your brand new character to be capable of clearing high GR with ease, saving you dozens of hours!

Please provide URL to the desired build or specify 13 items + 3 Cube powers + up to 3 legendary gems + regular gems (helm/weapon/armor/pants).
If you want us to enchant your gear (or hunt for specific stats), please also share general stats priority e.g. CDR > AD > AS.
You can also let booster decide what to build from items that will drop.

Amount of desired legendary powers depends on gear quality you choose, Gold+ guarantees every legendary item you want. LON/LOD gear requires at least Gold quality and this will get you random ancient item in almost every slot (typically a few desired items for that build as well), buy Platinum+ if you want desired ancient legendary item in all slots.

Pack includes:
- You can specify which items (and full set) you want or let Booster decide what's best to build from items that drop
- 3 Cube powers extracted.
- 3 legendary gems and Paragon experience (level depends on gear quality you choose).
- All items will be enchanted (if Self Play then booster will tell you what to enchant), you can also receive priority list via email.
- Greater Rift around lvl 100 unlocked, so you don't have to grind it level by level.

How it works:
- [Self Play] Booster will identify all items and tell you what to do: which items to equip, what to gamble etc.
- [Self Play] You must participate (play) and loot all crafting materials and white/grey items, they are required to deliver your gear within specified time frame.
- You may come with brand new level 1 character and we will level you to 70 lvl.
- We can't guarantee rare or very rare items below Platinum gear quality (e.g. The Star of Azkaranth).
- Stated GR level is accurate only for cookie-cutter meta builds (those used by the top 10 ranked solo players).

Description and picture(s) are valid for Diablo 3 PC.
More Information
Product Type Account Share, Self Play
Quality Mixed
Usable by Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Necromancer, Witch Doctor, Wizard
Source Mixed
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