Diablo 3 Necromancer Gear Boost

Necromancer Gear Pack

Diablo 3 LoD Poison Scythe Necromancer Gear

LON / LOD Poison Scythe

Masquerade Bone Spear

Delivery: hours

Gear for Necromancer with 6/6 Masquerade of the Burning Carnival and 3/3 Captain Crimson's Trimmings set bonuses (13 items + 3 Cube powers + appropriate gems).

You may ask for different items, as long as each costs no more than $5 or 10% compared to the listed item.

Paragon: CHC > CHD > CDR | Life > Armor | AD > LoH
Element: Physical
Gems: Topaz (5), Emerald (weapon) and Amethyst (helm)

EQUIPMENT (only Gold+ quality guarantees all the items)
WEAPON: Scythe of the Cycle
OFF HAND: Random Legendary Phylactery
HELM: Luxurious Bauta
ARMOR: Sophisticated Vest
GLOVES: Lavishing Gloves
PANTS: Captain Crimson's Thrust
BOOTS: Extravagant Shoes
SHOULDERS: Glamorous Gigot
WAIST: Captain Crimson's Silk Girdle
WRISTS: Nemesis Bracers
AMULET: Haunted Visions
RING1: Krysbin's Sentence
RING2: Convention of Elements

Maltorius' Petrified Spike
Razeth's Volition
Ring of Royal Grandeur

Bane of the Trapped
Bane of the Stricken
Zei's Stone of Vengeance

Description and picture(s) are valid for Diablo 3 PC.
While product information is regularly updated, Diablo 3 is constantly changing so build may change.
More Information
Product Type Account Share, Self Play
Quality Mixed
Usable by Necromancer
Source Mixed
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