WoW A Challenging Look

Mage Tower Challenge

WoW World Quests

World Quests & Invasion Points (Legion)

Garrison level 1, 2, 3 & Shipyard

Delivery: hours

Garrison is your base in Warlords of Draenor which will enable you to obtain cosmetics and collectibles like transmogrification or mounts, that can't be found anywhere else.
You will be able to recruit followers, send them on missions and develop buildings that benefit your character like profession buildings and stables for mounts. Garrison opens a way to various questlines and outposts in all Draenor zones and also provides daily quests with various rewards such as [Apexis Crystal].
Shipyard gains you access to Tanaan Jungle and Naval missions.

- Character level 45+
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Product Type Account Share
Added in WOD
Source Quest & Daily