WoW Allied Races

Kul Tiran Human

WoW Allied Races

Mag’har Orc


Unlocks Nightborne Allied Race.
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Product includes:
Nightborne Allied Race - The Nightborne were once Night Elves, Highborne that lived in Suramar at the time of the Great Sundering.
Completed Suramar storyline - Insurrection
Mount - Nightborne Manasaber

Nightborne Racial Abilities:
Cantrips - Conjure up an Eldritch Grimoire, allowing you mail access for 1.5 min.
Arcane Pulse - Deals (200% Attack Power) Arcane damage to nearby enemies every 2 seconds and snares them by 50%.
Ancient History - Inscription skill increased by 15.
Magical Affinity - Increases magical damage 1%.
Arcane Resistance - Reduces Arcane damage taken by 1%.

Nightborne available Classes:
Death Knight, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior

Heritage Armor Set (optional):
- Sets are awarded after reaching level 50, along with a Feat of Strength.
- Each Allied Race has unique set, reflecting their culture.
- They can be transmogged onto Cloth/Leather/Mail/Plate armor for that Allied Race character.
- These sets cannot be transmogged by other races.
- Some Heritage Armor sets have additional tints.

- Character level 50+
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Added in Legion
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