WoW Vrykul Archeology

Vrykul Archaeology Artifacts

WoW Alchemy

Alchemy (Classic)

Tools of the Trade (BFA Profession Items)

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All of the non-gathering professions (Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Inscription, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Tailoring) have a Tools of the Trade questline. Questline will reward a recipe for crafting a unique profession item. We will complete the questline and craft the item you selected.

Profession Items:

Alchemy: Silas' Sphere of Transmutation - Concentrate on the sphere to transmute it into another object for 1 hour (objects listed below). Each object highlights and allows the player to interact with various cauldrons on Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
- Silas' Stone of Transportation - Summons an all-seeing eye for 2 min who will teleport you to a nearby safe haven instantly while outdoors in Kul Tiras or Zandalar. (9 min Cooldown)
- Silas' Decanter of Disguise - Disguises the imbiber as one of a variety of creatures from across the world. (1 min Cooldown)
- Silas' Vial of Continuous Curing - Restores 33251 health from your never-ending, ever-flowing vial of continuous curing! (1 min Cooldown)
- Silas' Potion of Prosperity - Increases your chance to create extra items from your Kul Tiran Alchemy recipe list. (20 min Cooldown)

Blacksmithing: Khaz'gorian Smithing Hammer - Allows the user to repair a piece of their equipment instantly (1 Hour Cooldown). When crafting blacksmithing armor or weapons, there's a chance it will be given the 'Indestructible' property.

Enchanting: Iwen's Enchanting Rod - Use 1 Veiled Crystal to animate an inert golem (5 Sec Cooldown). Gain extra resources when disenchanting.

Engineering: Ub3r-Spanner - Summons an Ub3r-Construct to assist you for 20 seconds (listed below). If no Ub3r-Construct is specified, a random one will appear (15 min cooldown).
- Ub3r-Improved Target Dummy - target dummy which also draws aggro from you.
- Ub3r S3ntry Mk. X8.0 - mechanical dog that attacks your target.
- Short-Fused Bomb Bot - army of bomb bots that explode on your target.

Inscription: Sanguine Feather Quill of Lana'thel - Siphons the blood of the dead around you, restoring your own health in the process. Allows for the creation of Blood Contracts (listed below).
- Blood Contract: Sacrifice - Summons an Avatar of Sacrifice stag to heal by your side.
- Blood Contract: Bloodguard - Summons an Avatar of the Bloodguard which acts like a tank.
- Blood Contract: Bloodshed - Summons an Avatar of Bloodshed which attacks in melee range.
- Blood Contract: Oblivion - Summons an Avatar of Oblivion which attacks as ranged DPS.

Jewelcrafting: Jewelhammer's Focus - Extract an embedded gem from one of your socketed items. Interact with shrines around Kul Tiras and Zandalar to create a geode of gems.

Leatherworking: Mallet of Thunderous Skins - Allows you to interact with Drums of Primal Might, providing one of three buffs listed below. Also grants a personal Heroism haste buff on 1h cooldown.
- PMallet of Thunderous Skins: Turtle's Endurance - Reduces all damage you take by 10% and increase health by 10% for 30 min.
- Primal Might: Beast's Fury- Increases primary stat by 400 (formerly increases Attack and Spell Power by 10%)
- Primal Might: Cat's Quickness - Increases your movement speed by 15% for 30 min, and reduces damage from falling.

Tailoring: Synchronous Thread - Acquire extra cloth from rifts in Kul Tiras and Zandalar, resurrect outdoors via Temporal Recall, and purchase removed old-world Tailoring patterns.

- Character level 50+
- 150 skill points in the BFA-tier of selected profession

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Added in BFA
Source Profession
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