WoW Deaths of Chromie

Deaths of Chromie

Mount Speed (Classic)

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This product includes:
- Carrot on a Stick: While equipped, this trinket increases mount speed by 3%.
- Mithril Spurs: Attaches spurs to your boots that increase your mounted movement speed by 4%. If you already have added enchantment on your boots, note that Mithril Spurs will replace that.
- Enchant Gloves - Riding Skill: Permanently enchant gloves to grant a minor movement bonus while mounted (about 3%). If you already have added enchantment on your gloves, note that this new enchantment will replace that.

We highly recommend using these enhancements on secondary gear pieces that you use out of combat when traveling. You can use a Macro that will switch your main gear and secondary gear pieces with 1 click (check example). Note that you will not be able to switch gear when in combat.
Write the names of already equipped gear pieces and pieces you want to equip so every time you use the macro, it will equip the gear that is in your bags. In the example below, Braced Handguards + Warsong Boots are main gear pieces and Tanned Leather Gloves / Tanned Leather Boots are secondary gear pieces.

/eq Braced Handguards
/eq Warsong Boots
/eq Tanned Leather Gloves
/eq Tanned Leather Boots

- Character level 50+
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Product Type Account Share
Added in Classic
Source Dungeon, Open World