WoW Honor leveling

Honor Leveling

WoW Dwarf Archeology

Dwarf Archaeology Artifacts

Draenor Factions Archaeology Artifacts

Delivery: days

This product includes:
Arakkoa artifacts:
- One-handed Mace: Beakbreaker of Terokk
- Pet: Ancient Nest Guardian - This pet is also available as part of the pet pack in another offer (check 'alternative products').
Ogre artifacts:
- Neck: Sorcerer-King Toe Ring
- Two-Handed Mace: Warmaul of the Warmaul Chieftain
Draenor Clans artifacts:
- Head: Headdress of the First Shaman
- Pet: Frostwolf Ghostpup - This pet is also available as part of the pet pack in another offer (check 'alternative products').

- Maximum character level
More Information
Product Type Account Share
Added in WOD
Source Profession
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