WoW Baa'l

Uuna / Baal / Waist of Time

WoW Stinging Sands

Enchant: Stinging Sands (RAF)

Legacy Raid & World Boss

Delivery: days

We will farm any raid/world boss you selected on weekly basis. This product is made to save you weeks of grinding a specific raid or world boss, just to get that 1% drop rate cosmetic item you desire. If you want us to run the same raids/world bosses multiple weeks in a row, you need to purchase this product multiple times. For example if you want us to farm for 4 weeks then it will be 4 qty units or if you want us to farm on 2 characters for 4 weeks then it will be 8 qty units.
Please specify day of the week when we can login to your account. Delivery time depends on the amount of runs you want us to do per week. We can do approximately 10-15 runs per day (90+ runs a week), depending on raid's difficulty (the lower the level required, the faster we can clear it).


Sha of Anger:
- Transmog: Various armor pieces
- Mount: Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent

- Transmog: Various armor pieces
- Mount: Son of Galleon

Nalak the Storm Lord:
- Transmog: Various armor pieces
- Mount: Reins of the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent

- Transmog: Various armor pieces
- Mount: Reins of the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn

- Transmog: Various armor pieces
- Mount: Solar Spirehawk


Molten Core:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 1 and 2 Raid set & weapons
- Pets: Harbinger of Flame, Corefire Imp, Ashstone Core
- Pieces required to forge Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker and Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros

Blackwing Lair:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 2 Raid set & weapons
- Pets: Untamed Hatchling, Death Talon Whelpguard, Chrominius

Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
- Reputation: Brood of Nozdormu
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 2.5 Raid set & weapons
- Pets: Anubisath Idol, Mini Mindslayer, Viscidus Globule
- Mounts: Red/Blue/Green/Yellow Qiraji Battle Tank - can only be summoned in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj

Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
- Transmog: Various armor pieces and weapons
- Pet: Disgusting Oozeling


Magtheridon's Lair:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 4 Raid set & weapons

- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 4 Raid set & weapons
- Mount: Fiery Warhorse's Reins
- Pets: Fiendish Imp, Lil' Bad Wolf, Menagerie Custodian, Netherspace Abyssal

Gruul's Lair:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 4 Raid set & weapons

Serpentshrine Cavern:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 5 Raid set & weapons
- Pets: Coilfang Stalker, Tainted Waveling, Tideskipper

The Eye:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 5 Raid set & weapons
- Mount: Ashes of Al'ar
- Pets: Lesser Voidcaller, Phoenix Hawk Hatchling, Pocket Reaver

Hyjal Summit:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 6 Raid set & weapons
- Reputation: The Scale of the Sands
- Pets: Grotesque, Stinkrot, Hyjal Wasp

Black Temple:
- Legendaries: Warglaives of Azzinoth
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 6 Raid set & weapons
- Pets: Leviathan Hatchling, Abyssius, Fragment of Anger, Fragment of Suffering, Fragment of Desire, Sister of Temptation

Sunwell Plateau:
- Legendary: Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 6 Sunwell Plateau Raid set & weapons
- Pets: Sunblade Micro-Defender, Chaos Pup, Wretched Servant


- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 7 Raid set & weapons
- Toy: Super Simian Sphere
- Pets: Fungal Abomination, Giant Bone Spider, Stitched Pup

The Obsidian Sanctum:
- Transmog: Pieces of Northrend armor & weapons
- Toy: Super Simian Sphere
- Mounts: Reins of the Black Drake (N10), Reins of the Twilight Drake (N25)

Vault of Archavon:
- Transmog: Pieces of Season 5-8 PvP sets

The Eye of Eternity:
- Transmog: Pieces of Northrend armor & weapons
- Mounts: Reins of the Azure Drake, Reins of the Blue Drake

- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 8 Raid set & weapons
- Pieces required to forge Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings - Mount: Mimiron's Head - Pets: Ironbound Proto-Whelp, Runeforged Servitor, Sanctum Cub, Winter Rageling, Snaplasher, G0-R41-0N Ultratonk, Creeping Tentacle

Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Crusader:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 9 Raid set & weapons
- Pets: Dreadmaw, Snobold Runt, Nerubian Swarmer

Onyxia's Lair:
- Transmog: Various armor pieces & weapons
- Mount: Reins of the Onyxian Drake

Icecrown Citadel:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 10 Raid set & weapons
- Reputation: The Ashen Verdict
- Pieces required to forge Shadowmourne (questline) - Mount: Invincible's Reins (H25)
- Pets: Boneshard, Blightbreath, Drudge Ghoul, Blood Boil, Soulbroken Whelpling, Wicked Soul

The Ruby Sanctum:
- Transmog: Various armor pieces & weapons


Baradin Hold:
- Transmog: Pieces of Season 9-11 PvP sets

The Bastion of Twilight:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 11 Raid set & weapons
- Pets: Twilight Clutch-Sister, Bound Stream, Faceless Minion

Throne of the Four Winds:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 11 Raid set & weapons
- Mount: Reins of the drake of the South Wind
- Pets: Drafty, Zephyrian Prince

Blackwing Descent:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 11 Raid set & weapons
- Pets: Tinytron, Discarded Experiment, Rattlejaw

- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 12 Raid set & weapons
- Pieces required to forge Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest (questline)
- Mounts: Flametalon of Alysrazor, Pureblood Firehawk (Smoldering Egg of Millagazor)
- Pets: Blazehound, Cinderweb Recluse, Surger, Infernal Pyreclaw

Dragon Soul:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 13 Raid set & weapons
- Mounts: Experiment 12-B, Reins of the Blazing Drake, Life-Binder's Handmaiden (HC10/25)
- Pets: Faceless Mindlasher, Corrupted Blood, Unstable Tendril


Mogu'shan Vaults:
- Transmog: Various armor pieces & weapons
- Mount: Reins of the Astral Cloud Serpent

Heart of Fear:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 14 Raid set & weapons

Terrace of Endless Spring:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 14 Raid set & weapons

Heart of Fear:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 15 Raid set & weapons
- Mounts: Spawn of Horridon, Clutch of Ji-Kun
- Pets: Living Sandling, Son of Animus, Ji-Kun Hatchling, Dark Quivering Blob, Gastropod Shell

Siege of Orgrimmar:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 16 Raid set & weapons
- Mount: Kor'kron Juggernaut (Mythic)
- Pets: Blackfuse Bombling, Droplet of Y'Shaarj, Gooey Sha-Ling, Kovok


- Transmog: Various armor pieces & weapons

Blackrock Foundry:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 17 Raid set & weapons
- Mount: Ironhoof Destroyer (Mythic)

Hellfire Citadel:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 18 Raid set & weapons
- Mount: Felsteel Annihilator


The Emerald Nightmare:
- Transmog: Various armor pieces
- Pet: Nightmare Whelpling

Trial of Valor:
- Transmog: Ensemble: Vestment/Garb/Chains/Funerary Plate of the Chosen Dead, various armor pieces

The Nighthold:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 19 Raid set & weapons
- Mount: Felblaze Infernal (Living Infernal Core), Hellfire Infernal (Fiendish Hellfire Core - Mythic)
- Toy: Golden Hearthstone Card: Lord Jaraxxus, Skull of Corruption (Demon Hunter)

, Tomb of Sargeras:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 20 Raid set & weapons
- Mount: Abyss Worm

Antorus, the Burning Throne:
- Transmog: Pieces of Tier 21 Raid set & weapons
- Mount: Shackled Ur'zul (Mythic), Antoran Charhound

- Maximum character level
More Information
Product Type Account Share
Added in Classic, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm, MOP, WOD, Legion
Source Raid, Open World