WoW Master Angler of Azeroth

Master Angler of Azeroth (Fishing Contest)


Delivery: hours

We will upgrade each Heirloom to maximum level available.
Collecting 35 heirlooms will reward you with the Chauffeured Chopper mount that is usable by level 1 characters.

Heirlooms are used to make leveling of your alts easier with perks such as:
- Level scaling: The gear stats will scale up or down, depending on the level of the character currently wearing them.
- Set Bonuses: Heirlooms now grant a unique 7 item set bonus called the Regalia of Fabled Adventurers. Depending on how many pieces your character wears, you will obtain bonuses to your character. Trinkets and weapons do not count towards the set bonus, but every other item slot does.
The set bonuses include:
(2) Set: Rested experience consumed is reduced by 30%.
(4) Set: Increases your out-of-combat regeneration in the outdoors, normal dungeons, and battlegrounds.
(5) Set: Gaining a level triggers Burst of Knowledge, dealing Holy damage to nearby enemies and granting you 40% (Primary Stat) for 2 min. Defeating additional enemies extends this effect, up to 2 min.
(6) Set: Rested experience consumed is reduced up to 30%.

*Heirloom Packs:
- Heirlooms included in a pack will be grayed out, you can also add other Heirloom pieces as additions to your selected pack.
- Packs include full set of armor that suits your class type and specialization.
- All Classes Heirlooms Pack: 72 gear pieces usable by all classes (every specialization).
- Plate Heirloom Pack: 32 gear pieces usable by Warrior, Paladin and Death Knight (every specialization).
- Mail Heirloom Pack: 32 gear pieces usable by Hunter and Shaman (every specialization).
- Leather Heirloom Pack: 32 gear pieces usable by Demon Hunter, Druid, Monk and Rogue (every specialization).
- Cloth Heirloom Pack: 18 gear pieces usable by Priest, Mage and Warlock (every specialization).

*Touch of the Void:
Delivery of this trinket is based on a rare Garrison mission spawn which may take approximately 90 days. You will get a Garrison level 3 within a few weeks. After we finish those we will require only about 2 hours per week to complete rare missions in order to get the trinket. Please specify in checkout comment with preferred time you want us to use your account (e.g. account is free Monday-Friday 8-16 CET).

*Ring Delivery:
- Admiral Taylor's Loyalty Ring, Captain Sander's Returned Band and Signet of the Third Fleet: Delivery of these rings is based on Garrison Naval mission spawn which may take approximately 90 days. You will get a Garrison and Shipyard level 3 within a few weeks. After we finish those we will require only about 1 hour per day to complete daily Naval missions in order to get the ring. Please specify in checkout comment with preferred time you want us to use your account (e.g. account is free Monday-Friday 8-16 CET).
Your character can equip only one of the 3 rings from Naval missions at the same time.
- Dread Pirate Ring: Obtained by winning Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza fishing contest. In order to win, we must be among first 50 players in the whole region to finish and turn in the quest. You will also get the Master Angler of Azeroth achievement. Event starts every Sunday at 14:00 server time in Stranglethorn Vale, we will need access to your account 24 hours before the event starts (we must prepare).

- Character level 1+ (Heirlooms that cost more than $5 require maximum level)
- *Brawler's Razor Claws - Solid item level for Brawl'gar Arena

More Information
Product Type Account Share
Added in BFA
Source Open World, Reputation, World Event & Scenario