WoW The Champions of Azeroth

The Champions of Azeroth

WoW Tortollan Seekers

Tortollan Seekers Exalted

The Honorbound

Unlocks Mag'har Orc Allied Race.
Delivery: days

Product includes:
The Honorbound Exalted - This faction is a special delegation of Horde army, focused on disrupting Alliance operations in Kul Tiras.
Mag’har Orcs Allied Race - United clans from the alternative universe of Draenor. Their skin is brown because they managed to avoid demonic influence.
Completed Horde part of War Campaign - Ready for War
Mount - Mag'har Direwolf
Access to <The Honorbound Emissary> Exalted items:
- Pet: Lil' War Machine
- Tabard: Tabard of the Honorbound
- Various transmog and misc items

Mag’har Orc Racial Abilities:
Ancestral Call - Invoke the spirits of your ancestors granting you their power. Increases a random secondary stat by 102 for 12 seconds.
Open Skies - Increases mounted speed by 10%.
Savage Blood - Reduces the duration of Poisons, Diseases, and Curses by 10%.
Sympathetic Vigor - Increases pet health by 10%.

Mag’har Orc available Classes:
Death Knight, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warrior

Heritage Armor Set (optional):
- Sets are awarded after reaching level 50, along with a Feat of Strength.
- Each Allied Race has unique set, reflecting their culture.
- They can be transmogged onto Cloth/Leather/Mail/Plate armor for that Allied Race character.
- These sets cannot be transmogged by other races.
- Some Heritage Armor sets have additional tints. Mag’har Orc set has multiple tints, representing the Warsong, Blackrock, and Frostwolf Clans.

- Character level 50+
- Access to BFA World Quests

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