WoW Renowned Explorer's Rucksack

Renowned Explorer's Rucksack (RAF)

Renowned Explorer’s Attire (All RAF Rewards)

All RAF Transmogs, 2 Mounts, Tabard, Title and Pet.
Delivery: days

You can generate an invite link via Friend List ingame and paste it in the comment during checkout (you must have active game time). Rewards will be available via RAF panel ingame (near friends/ignore list).

You will receive following RAF rewards:
- 4 Months of Recruit-a-Friend (RAF) Gametime
- Rikki (Pet)
- Explorer's Dunetrekker (Ground Mount)
- Title: Renowned Explorer
- Illusion: Stinging Sands (Weapon Transmog)
- Renowned Explorer's Tabard
- Explorer's Jungle Hopper (Flying Mount)
- Renowned Explorer's Rucksack (Cloak Transmog)
- Renowned Explorer’s Attire (Gear Transmog)

RAF recruitment link can be used to connect up to four friends, please make sure you can recruit 4 accounts. A new recruitment link can be generated once every 30 days but you can add additional WoW accounts on the same Blizz account to generate it instantly.
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Product Type Special
Added in BFA
Source Promotions & Codes