WoW Proudmoore Admiralty

Proudmoore Admiralty

WoW Zandalari Empire

Zandalari Empire

The Voldunai

Unlocks Vulpera Allied Race (Exalted).
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Product includes (Exalted):
The Voldunai Exalted - Comprised of exiles and scavengers, the Voldunai use their knowledge of the sands to thrive where others would wither and die.
Vulpera Allied Race - A nomadic fox race that has survived the sands of the deserts of Vol'dun for generations.
Completed Vol'dun storyline - Secrets in the Sands
Mount - Caravan Hyena
Access to <The Voldunai Emissary> Exalted items:
- Mount: Alabaster Hyena
- Toy: Akunda's Firesticks, Ghostly Explorer's Skull
- Tabard: Tabard of the Voldunai
- various transmog and misc items

Vulpera Racial Abilities:
Bag of Tricks - Pull your chosen trick from the bag and use it on target enemy or ally. Enemies take damage, while allies are healed.
Make Camp - Make a camp at this location. Can only be used outdoors.
-> Return to Camp - Return to your camp.
Alpaca Saddlebags - Increases the size of your backpack by 8 slots.
Fire Resistance - Reduces Fire damage taken by 1%.
Nose For Trouble - When you first take damage from an enemy, reduce that damage by 5% of your maximum health.

Vulpera available Classes:
Death Knight, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior

Heritage Armor Set (optional):
- Sets are awarded at 50, along with a Feat of Strength.
- Each Allied Race has unique set, reflecting their culture.
- They can be transmogged onto Cloth/Leather/Mail/Plate armor for that Allied Race character.
- These sets cannot be transmogged by other races.
- Some Heritage Armor sets have additional tints.

- Character level 50+
- Access to BFA World Quests
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