WoW Vessel of Horrific Visions

Vessel of Horrific Visions

WoW Rajani


Mythic+ Boost

Delivery: hours

Completing a Mythic+ dungeon keystone will reward you with the Weekly Great Vault loot at the end of the week.
Selfplay (Boost) - We will complete the run even if you play yourself or stay afk the whole time, it's your choice.
Account Share - Our booster will run your character through the dungeon.

Product includes:
- Mythic+ dungeon completed
- All loot from chest usable by your class will be traded to your character (if tradable)
- Mythic +10: 207+ ilvl loot from the run & 220+ ilvl gear from the Weekly Great Vault
- Mythic +15: 210+ ilvl loot from the run & 226+ ilvl gear from the Weekly Great Vault

- Maximum character level
More Information
Product Type Self Play
Added in SL
Source Dungeon
Item Type Cloth, Leather, Mail, Plate
Usable by N/A