WoW Brewmaster


WoW Merrymaker

Feast of Winter Veil

Children's Week

Delivery: days

Children's Week holiday event is the time of year in which players focus on giving back to the children of the Horde and Alliance. Starts on May 1 and ends on May 7.

Full completion and rewards can only be guaranteed if you purchase this product before the event starts. Otherwise you will get as many as we can farm within the remaining days of the event and you may have to wait until next year to get everything.

This product includes:
- Achievement: 'For the Children' which is also a requirement towards completion of 'What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been' achievement that rewards Reins of the Violet Proto-Drake mount.
- Title: Matron / Patron <name>
- Completion of Horde/Alliance and Neutral orphan quests along with all available event pets.

NOTE: 'Veteran Nanny' achievement is not included in this product as it takes 3 events (years) to obtain via questing on one character. You will get all 3 pets (Peanut, Egbert, Willy) but they won't count towards the achievement completion.

Children's Week Cosmetics:

- Green Balloon sold by Blax Bottlerocket in Orgrimmar and Craggle Wobbletop in Stormwind

Orgrimmar / Stormwind orphan Battle Pets:
- Rat Cage → Whiskers the Rat
- Turtle Box → Speedy
- Snail Shell → Scooter the Snail
- Piglet's Collar → Mr. Wiggles

Shattrath City (Outland) orphan Battle Pets:
- Egbert's Egg → Egbert
- Elekk Training Collar → Peanut
- Sleepy Willy → Willy
- Legs

Dalaran (Northrend) orphan Battle Pets:
- Curious Oracle Hatchling
- Curious Wolvar Pup

Zandalari / Kul Tiran orphan Battle Pets:
- Sandy Hermit Crab Shell → Mr. Crabs
- Beakbert
- Slimy Pouch → Froglet
- Enchanted Saurolisk Scale → Scaley

- Maximum character level
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Product Type Account Share
Added in Classic, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm, MOP, WOD, Legion, BFA
Source Achievement, Open World, World Event & Scenario