WoW Honorable Kills (Classic)

Honor Ranks & Titles (Classic)

WoW N'zoth Assault

N'zoth Assaults

Horrific Visions

Delivery: hours

Product includes:
- Completion of Horrific Vision (Stormwind/Orgimmar depending on which is active)
- *Chance to get 420-470 ilvl item gear
- Corrupted Mementos to unlock new talents in your Titanic Research Archive or purchase special items from Wrathion
- Quest items to upgrade your Legendary Cloak - Ashjra'kamas, Shroud of Resolve
- Achievement: Horrific Vision of Orgimmar or Horrific Vision of Stormwind
- *Chance to get various cosmetic rewards

*Each week, you can earn loot from each reward tier ONCE. Afterwards, completing the same number of objectives/masks will result in you receiving the previous tier of gear:
- Main Objective Only (Thrall or Alleria) = 420ilvl
- Main Objective + 2 Bonus = 430ilvl
- Full Clear (All 5 Objectives) = 445ilvl
- Full Clear + 1 Mask = 450ilvl
- Full Clear + 2 Masks = 455ilvl
- Full Clear + 3 Masks = 460ilvl
- Full Clear + 4 Masks = 465ilvl
- Full Clear + 5 Masks = 470ilvl

*Notable cosmetic rewards:
- Through the Depths of Vision achievement → Mount: Black Serpent of N'Zoth
- Mad World FoS achievement → Title: <name> the Faceless One
- Reeking of Visions achievement → Pet: Reek
- Weapon Illusion (transmog): Void Edge
- Head (transmog): Mask of the Pained
- Mount: Mail Muncher
- Toy: Void-Touched Skull

If you already obtained 3-4 Vessel of Horrific Visions for this week, delivery will start next week with fresh N'zoth Assaults and Daily quests available (this depends on how many vessels you obtained). It would be extremely time consuming and counterproductive to raw farm Coalescing Visions for Vessel of Horrific Visions.

- Character level 60+
- 8.3 content unlocked
- Vessel of Horrific Visions (1x per run)
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Product Type Account Share
Added in BFA
Source World Event & Scenario