WoW Allied Races Pack

Allied Races Pack

WoW Allied Races

Dark Iron Dwarf

BFA Factions Pack

Delivery: days

BFA Factions Pack includes:
⚬ Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder
⚬ Allied Races Unlocked (based on the faction you select):
- Alliance: Iron Dwarf, Kul Tiran Human, Mechagnome
- Horde: Mag'har Orc, Zandalari Troll, Vulpera
⚬ Neutral Factions Exalted:
- Champions of Azeroth
- Rajani
- Rustbolt Resistance
- Tortollan Seekers
- Uldum Accord
⚬ Alliance Factions Exalted:
- Proudmoore Admiralty
- Order of Embers
- Storm's Wake
- 7th Legion
- Waveblade Ankoan
⚬ Horde Factions Exalted:
- Zandalari Empire
- Talanji's Expedition
- Voldunai
- The Honorbound
- The Unshackled

Extra rewards (only if you select 'Alliance & Horde'):
- Achievement: Two Sides to Every Tale
- Mounts: Bloodflank Charger and Ironclad Frostclaw

- Character level 50+
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