WoW The Diplomat

The Diplomat Achievement + Title

WoW Insane in the Membrane

Insane in the Membrane

Hero of Shattrath

Delivery: hours

Hero of Shattrath is obtained by gaining Exalted status with The Aldor and The Scryers factions. You can't have both reputations Exalted at the same time, choose the faction you want to keep or we will choose randomly. We will buy Exalted quartermaster items from 1st faction, meaning you will have items from both factions at the end.

Extra rewards:
- Tabard: [Aldor Tabard], [Scryers Tabard]
- Transmog: [Vindicator's Hauberk] (plate chest), [Anchorite's Robes] (cloth chest), [Auchenai Staff] (staff), [Vindicator's Brand] (1-handed sword), [Retainer's Leggings] (leather legs), [Seer's Cane] (staff), [Gauntlets of the Chosen] (plate hands), [Retainer's Blade] (1-handed dagger)

- Character level 40+
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Source Achievement, Feat of Strength (FOS), Reputation