WoW Legacy Raids

Legacy Raid & World Boss

WoW Classic Character leveling

Leveling 1-60 (Classic)

Timewarped Badges (Timewalking)

Delivery: hours

Timewarped Badge is a currency earned during the Timewalking event via dungeons and raids. You can use this currency to purchase various cosmetic items from Timewalking vendors, we have listed the most popular items below.
Delivery starts when the event is active:
Faster delivery option - We will keep farming dungeons/raids until we obtain the desired amount of badges, which gives you a chance to get rare drops (mounts, toys, pets) from various dungeons/raids.
Slower delivery option - We will only complete the once-per-event quests to get as many badges possible in the lowest amount of time spent on farming. Please specify minimum 24h window (one day of the week) when we can login to your account.

Timewalking Cosmetics:

- Reins of the Infinite Timereaver - Has a very low chance to drop from any Timewalking boss. Selecting faster delivery option gives you a better chance of obtaining this mount due to constant dungeon/raid farming.

Burning Crusade Timewalking

- Reins of the Eclipse Dragonhawk (5000 Timewarped Badges)
- Mark of the Ashtongue (1250 Timewarped Badges) - Disguise yourself as an Ashtongue Broken.
- Ever-Shifting Mirror (500 Timewarped Badges) - Reveal convergence points between Draenor and Outland.
- Fractured Necrolyte Skull (750 Timewarped Badges) - Consume the soul of target critter to summon a portal to the Black Temple.
- Verdant Throwing Sphere (500 Timewarped Badges) - Throw the Verdant Sphere near a friendly targeted player. If caught, the ally will immediately throw another.
Reputation Tokens:
- Commendation of The Consortium, The Sha'tar, Thrallmar, Honor Hold, Cenarion Expedition, Keepers of Time, Lower City (50 Timewarped Badges each) - These tokens grant 500 reputation each and are Bind on Account.

Wrath Timewalking

- Bridle of the Ironbound Wraithcharger (5000 Timewarped Badges)
- Hourglass of Eternity (2000 Timewarped Badges) - Summons 'Future You'.
- Will of Northrend (1500 Timewarped Badges) - Replicates the visual procs that accompanied the Deathbringer's Will Trinket.
- Grizzlesnout's Fang (750 Timewarped Badges) - Transforms you into a Worg disguise and lets you travel at 250% speed in Northrend.
Reputation Tokens:
- Commendation of the Alliance Vanguard, Horde Expedition, Wyrmrest Accord, Sons of Hodir, Argent Crusade, Ebon Blade, Kirin Tor (50 Timewarped Badges each) - These tokens grant 500 reputation each and are Bind on Account.

Cataclysm Timewalking

- Tosselwrench's Mega-Accurate Simulation Viewfinder (3000 Timewarped Badges) - Witness the wrath of Deathwing firsthand.
- Gurboggle's Gleaming Bauble (1500 Timewarped Badges) - Turns you into a Giblin for 10 minutes, allowing underwater breathing and an additional 80% swim speed bonus while in Vashj'ir.
Reputation Tokens:
- Commendation of Therazane, Earthen Ring, Ramkahen, Guardians of Hyjal, Wildhammer Clan, Dragonmaw Clan (50 Timewarped Badges each) - These tokens grant 500 reputation each and are Bind on Account.

Mists of Pandaria Timewalking

- Yu'lei, Daughter of Jade (5000 Timewarped Badges)
- Paradox Spirit (2200 Timewarped Badges)
- Infinite Hatchling (2200 Timewarped Badges)
- Portable Yak Wash (500 Timewarped Badges) - Perform an emergency yak wash in the field.
- Adopted Puppy Crate (1000 Timewarped Badges) - Release your adopted puppies for 10 min of fun.
Reputation Tokens:
- Commendation of the Klaxxi, Shado-Pan, Golden Lotus, August Celestials, Sunreaver Onslaught, Kirin Tor Offensive, Tillers, Order of the Cloud Serpent, Dominance Offensive, Operation: Shieldwall, Anglers, Shado-Pan Assault, Emperor Shaohao (50 Timewarped Badges each) - These tokens grant 500 reputation each and are Bind on Account.

Warlords of Draenor Timewalking

- Beastlord's Irontusk (5000 Timewarped Badges)
- Beastlord's Warwolf (5000 Timewarped Badges)
- Apexis Focusing Shard (500 Timewarped Badges) - Channels an orange beam of light between you and your target.
- Banner of the Burning Blade (500 Timewarped Badges) - Adds a Burning Blade banner to your character's back.
Reputation Tokens:
- Commendation of the Arakkoa Outcasts, Steamwheedle Preservation Society, Order of the Awakened, Saberstalkers, Frostwolf Orcs, Council of Exarchs, Laughing Skull Orcs, Sha'tari Defense, Vol'jin's Headhunters, Hand of the Prophet (50 Timewarped Badges each) - These tokens grant 500 reputation each and are Bind on Account.

- Maximum character level
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Product Type Account Share
Added in BFA
Source Dungeon, Raid